Sunday 25 March 2007

Arctic Hare

We are likely to spot Arctic Hare bobbing around on Baffin Island which will be rather good with Easter just around the corner. However, while I would like to see a white hare dashing across the ice I am rather more concerned as to the state of my own hair. For those interested in the nitty gritty details of Arctic life then I need to be truthful and say that I will not be able to wash my hair for at least 10 days. I have washed my hair every morning for as long as I can remember so this will be a tall order. While we are on the subject of washing then I ought to add that I will not be able to wash my body for the same amount of time. At present, I have a shower every morning. The hair issue has thrown up quite a few oddities. My hairdresser suggested I wear a turban, apparently all the rage this spring/summer. Even Madonna has launched her own range. Another friend mentioned the possibility of getting my hair braided prior to the trip to avoid the embarrasmment of greasy lanks. Another reminded me of that disgusting dried shampoo which I used as a student. Hmmm. Not a good look. The good news is I have bought three hats! One Windy Took - described as waterproof, windproof, breathable. One Hot Took - Windproof and Breathable and one Mountain Cap - Fleece lining with a Peak. Not only are these hats very comfortable and warm, they will also cover up all greasy strands. In reality, I imagine lanky hair is the least of my worries and that everyone else will be too self-absorbed to notice any bad hair days. Let's be honest. Every day will be a bad hair day. I had thought about getting it all cut off but I didn't have the courage. Even I acknowledge that one shouldn't go bald in the Arctic. Brrrr...

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